Feb 11, 2018
A Love that Never Fails Lesson 2: The Love Connection
The violence that we see in today's society is because of the absence of love. But, if we are connected to God, who IS love, we will have the Heart of the Father and please Him in all that we do. Do you have the love flow?
  • Feb 11, 2018A Love that Never Fails Lesson 2: The Love Connection
    Feb 11, 2018
    A Love that Never Fails Lesson 2: The Love Connection
    The violence that we see in today's society is because of the absence of love. But, if we are connected to God, who IS love, we will have the Heart of the Father and please Him in all that we do. Do you have the love flow?
  • Feb 7, 2018Lesson 4: The Stewardship of Giving
    Feb 7, 2018
    Lesson 4: The Stewardship of Giving
    Series: Foundations
  • Feb 4, 2018A Love that Never Fails Lesson 1: Love Never Fails
    Feb 4, 2018
    A Love that Never Fails Lesson 1: Love Never Fails
    The world is rooted in selfishness and the flesh is lazy and lustful. But, as believers, we have received the Love Dynamic which enables us to walk in the Love of God.
  • Jan 28, 2018Vision Lesson 2: Cultivating Vision in the Heart
    Jan 28, 2018
    Vision Lesson 2: Cultivating Vision in the Heart
    In order for us to be able to cultivate vision in our lives, we must understand the condition of our control center - our heart.
  • Jan 21, 2018Vision Sunday 2018 Lesson 1: Vision is Birthed in the Heart
    Jan 21, 2018
    Vision Sunday 2018 Lesson 1: Vision is Birthed in the Heart
    When we have God's Vision in our hearts, He calls us to use what we have been given to make a deposit into other's lives.
  • Jan 18, 2018Lesson 3: Principles of Prayer
    Jan 18, 2018
    Lesson 3: Principles of Prayer
    Series: Foundations
  • Jan 17, 2018Lesson 2: Spiritual Warfare and the Believer’s Authority
    Jan 17, 2018
    Lesson 2: Spiritual Warfare and the Believer’s Authority
    Series: Foundations
  • Jan 14, 2018Reset Lesson 3: Resetting Your Spirit Life
    Jan 14, 2018
    Reset Lesson 3: Resetting Your Spirit Life
    Series: Reset
    When God's Laws of Obedience and Dependency were broken in the Garden of Eden, the Law of Sin and Death was introduced into humanity. But Jesus came to the earth and introduced the Law of the Spirit, which frees believers from the universal Law of Sin and Death!
  • Jan 10, 2018Lesson 1: The Spiritual Growth of a Believer
    Jan 10, 2018
    Lesson 1: The Spiritual Growth of a Believer
    Series: Foundations
  • Jan 7, 2018Reset Lesson 2: Resetting Your Spiritual Vision
    Jan 7, 2018
    Reset Lesson 2: Resetting Your Spiritual Vision
    Series: Reset
    It is easy to have your spiritual vision blurred by today's world. It is very important to have your spiritual vision reset by the Holy Spirit in order to see all that God has for your life.