Apr 29, 2018
David Lesson 3: David Worshipped the God He Knew
How can we effectively worship God if we don't know Him? David took the time to really understand God and therefore, was able to worship Him with all his heart.
  • Apr 29, 2018David Lesson 3: David Worshipped the God He Knew
    Apr 29, 2018
    David Lesson 3: David Worshipped the God He Knew
    How can we effectively worship God if we don't know Him? David took the time to really understand God and therefore, was able to worship Him with all his heart.
  • Apr 22, 2018David Lesson 2: The Inward Flow of Worship
    Apr 22, 2018
    David Lesson 2: The Inward Flow of Worship
    David demonstrated the inward flow of worship. The flow comes from the heart - it's all about what is happening on the inside of us. Though we make mistakes, as David did, we must make sure that our hearts are pursuing God in order to allow the flow of worship to continue in our lives.
  • Apr 20, 2018When the Journey is Too Hard
    Apr 20, 2018
    When the Journey is Too Hard
    Guest speaker, Scott Crosby, shares his interpretation of the story of Elijah from 1 Kings, chapter 19.
  • Apr 15, 2018David Lesson 1: A Man After God’s Own Heart
    Apr 15, 2018
    David Lesson 1: A Man After God’s Own Heart
    As a representation of Christ in the Bible, David shows us what it looks like to walk in relationship with God in our everyday lives. Like us, and unlike Jesus, David was not perfect, but he repented, got right with God, and through it all, kept worshipping.
  • Apr 8, 2018The Work of God – Dr. Egon Falk
    Apr 8, 2018
    The Work of God – Dr. Egon Falk
    Guest Speaker, Dr. Egon Falk of New Life Outreach visits to share how God has worked and is continuing to work through his Tanzanian ministry. God is able to do great things through our willingness to obey Him.
  • Apr 1, 2018Redeemed by the Blood Lesson 2: The Road to Redemption
    Apr 1, 2018
    Redeemed by the Blood Lesson 2: The Road to Redemption
    The most intense spiritual battle ever recorded in history happened over 2000 years ago. The stakes were the highest they had ever been or will ever be. This Easter Sunday, Pastor Steve examines the Road to Redemption - a 10-round, heavyweight fight, in which Jesus gave us His all.
  • Mar 25, 2018Redeemed by the Blood Lesson 1: Redeemed from the Curse
    Mar 25, 2018
    Redeemed by the Blood Lesson 1: Redeemed from the Curse
    There's an inward, soul problem in the people of this world, but God sent His only begotten Son to redeem us from the Curse of the Law.
  • Mar 18, 2018The Struggle is Real Lesson 3: Fight the Good Fight of Faith
    Mar 18, 2018
    The Struggle is Real Lesson 3: Fight the Good Fight of Faith
    The enemy is determined to destroy the faith of God's people. Each believer's faith in God is where his/her power comes from, so we must fight for it!
  • Mar 11, 2018The Struggle is Real Lesson 2: The Struggle with the World
    Mar 11, 2018
    The Struggle is Real Lesson 2: The Struggle with the World
    It is very easy to be conformed to this world, but in His Word, God instructs us not to be. How can we be IN the world without being PART OF the world?
  • Mar 4, 2018The Struggle is Real Lesson 1: The Fallen World
    Mar 4, 2018
    The Struggle is Real Lesson 1: The Fallen World
    We live in a fallen world and it is a struggle to survive in it. But, by the Grace of God and through His Word, we have the tools we need to navigate through it.